Monday 30 November 2009

Alternative Renewable Energy For the Home That Works

Alternative Energy For the Home That Works

I found this article which shows that renewable energy is within the scope of many of us now. We can set up solar or wind energy sources at home.

Alternative Energy For the Home That Works

By Steven Richard Smith

If you want to lower the cost of your electricity bills, you have only a few options, but one of the very best is to find alternative energy for the home. This sounds like a job for the professionals and for a lot of people it might even sound like having to share bath water, but that's no longer the case.
With the advances in technology, we can live the same life we live right now, but have far less negative effect on the environment. The great thing is, it's all starting to cost less and less and some of the ideas are so easy and simple, you'll want to know why more people don't do it.
The two best options available are:-
1. Solar Panels
Solar panels have come a long way in the last few years. You no longer have to live in an area that has extensive sunlight in order for them to work effectively. Most people looking at this option have encountered merchants who charge excessive amounts of money for the hardware and installation, making it difficult to afford and once you have it installed, you are at the mercy of the technicians to keep it working. Fortunately, that has all begun to change. The technology behind these energy gatherers is so simple that just about anyone would be able to build them with a few items from the local DIY store. The result is that you are able to build them at your own pace, develop them and maintain them. They not only lower your monthly electricity bills, but they also get you more involved in your environment.
If you have the energy and the desire to take on a home project, then you can make a professional looking 80Watt panel in your garage at a cost of no more than a few hundred dollars. You can use this system to run your refrigerator, your washing machine or your tv. With the ability to build, you can make multiple panels to cater for all your household electrical needs.
2. Wind Generators
If you are looking for alternative energy for your home and you have a lot of wind, then you may want to invest in wind generators. There are some very good marine generators that are utilized on yachts that would suit a small household and again, there is the possibility of producing your own for a reasonable cost of around a hundred dollars.
Not much technical skill is required in order to build a wind generator. The principles behind the generation and conversion of power are easy to follow and comprehend and they can easily be attached to the top of your home.
Converting to alternative energy in the home not only decreases your monthly electricity bills, but can in fact lead to the power companies paying you for excess energy you may be plying back into the grid. The advantages go beyond just decreasing bill, but to a sense of achievement, a feeling of contributing to the planets wellbeing and to a cleaner, better planet for the next generation.
Stove Smith has lived off grid for a few years on a remote island in Central America and discovered that with the aid of new technology, going green doesn't have to mean going hippy. A tech savvy guy with a passion for saving money and saving the planet. Take a look at how you can cut your bills without spending a fortune and do your bit for the planet while you're at it -

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